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Larreta Favaloro

Rodríguez Larreta denies Kirchnerismo's claims of violence

Former PAMI head refutes accusation

"There was no verified debt," says Rodríguez Larreta

Horacio Rodríguez Larreta, the former head of Argentina's public health insurance agency PAMI, has denied claims made by the Kirchnerismo political movement that he played a role in the suicide of renowned heart surgeon René Favaloro.

Rodríguez Larreta stated that there was no verified debt owed by PAMI to Favaloro's foundation, and that the claim was a "whopper" invented by the Kirchnerismo.

President Alberto Fernández has also weighed in on the matter, calling on Argentines to not hand over power to those who were in charge of PAMI when Favaloro took his own life.
